viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

Nada Especifico

I had a complaint that I don't update enough about specific details of my life here, so I thought I would add a blog update with no particular direction to describe my life a bit more. Forgive me if this post is a complete ramble (which it is going to be). I have been here for almost three weeks and I'm feeling pretty well adjusted. Classes are a bore, and I spend more time talking English during class than any other time during the day. Kristina and I only talk Spanish to each other (or at least when we can, as it can get really difficult sometimes). I have class every morning at 9 am until about 12:30. Today we had a quiz and afterward we watched the film "Frida" which narrates the life of Frida Kahlo. I really enjoyed the film and would recommend it to all. I joined the Ibero volleyball team. I made some new friends on the team and all the girls are really nice. I've only been to two practices so far, and I'm not sure if I'll be going every day. I had a good time, but very few of the girls have very much experience playing volleyball and thus our games and such are a bit slow to say the least. I also have been going to the gym located across the way from where we live, I haven't joined it yet, but I think I will soon.
Food here is really good, accept the proportions are often hard to manage. Breakfasts are always really dense, consisting of quesadillas, enchiladas, or greesy scrambled eggs with sausage. We made a request for some cereal now and again, and today we had our first bowl of frosted flakes. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day. We eat lunch anytime between 2 and 4 pm. Our host mom Blanca cooks amazingly, but she always seems to overestimate the size of our appetites. Then when (as usual) we fail to cosume the mountain of food in front of us she asks us (with a hint of sadness) if we liked the food. Rarely is this the case, it is merely that we are unable to eat everything we are served. Usually we get amazing soups, meats in various salsas and enchiladas, but today we got hamburgers! Blanca gave me not one, but two hamburgers! Then seemed slightly upset when I only managed to consume one. It was very tasty, but I could not have possibly eaten both.
Today is Kristina's 21st birthday! What a better way to celebrate your 21st birthday than in a country where the drinking age is 18! Today we bought all the ingredients to make a carrot cake for the occasion. Our host family seemed dubious when we stated our intent to make such a cake, as I don't believe they have ever tasted one. But later today they will find out what they have been missing all these years. Tonight we are going to treat Kristina (and another student Miguel who had his birthday last Wednesday) to a night on Juarez. We invited all of the other students from our class to go to a bar called the Mentirosa (which means liar). Should be lots of fun!
In the last couple of weeks we have made our rounds of Puebla and seen a lot of Mexican nightlife. On Wednesday we went to a fun little Tiki bar called Bambukos and then later to the what can only be described as the Mexican equivalent of a Irish pub. They even serve Guinness. There was a live band playing American rock and roll classics. It was funny to sing along to the Beatles played by a Mexican band in an Irish pub in the middle of Mexico. Above the door to the bathroom of the bar were the words (in english) "may all your ups and downs be under the sheets." English is definitely used a lot on signs and billboards all over the place down here.
Last night I went with another girl from my class to a salsa club to dance and watch a salsa demonstration. It was one of the most intimidating experiences of my life. I love to dance the salsa, but this was way out of my league. The dancers were outstanding. I spent most of the night just staring at the couples dancing. It was amazing. One couple did a performance that was more impressive than anything I have ever seen on a dance show. There was also a live salsa band playing amazing salsa music. The woman singing was wearing a crazy silver outfit with matching stiletto silver heels. At times she was just as much fun to watch as the dancers.
Anyway, more info will be coming up in the near future!

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